
Monday, October 15, 2012

Dumping Ground

Dumping Ground Video Clips. Duration : 9.92 Mins. Wednesday, April 14, 1993 - The day dragged on as endless as loss. The families of the dead waited. At first, they made small talk with each other, even sharing lunch on a picnic table outside.In time, they fell numb and exhausted into silence. Only Nathaniel White relaxed, napping and reading in his holding cell. Worrying about catching ``Cops'' on TV by 7 pm Maybe one day he'd be a TV movie, too. He's been approached, you know. Broken victims come and go forgotten. Mass murderers always get their 15 minutes of fame. Nathaniel White got his. He got the news team coverage. The curiosity seekers. The in-depth life stories on what made Nathaniel tick. We all stood with video cameras and pens to tell a world that surely wanted to know all the gory details. White seemed to have a jolly good time through it all. Like the jail-house New York TV interview where he claimed ``voices'' made him kill. Just like in the movies, you know. Preparing for trial, he hit the law books like so many other lawless men who suddenly become constitutional scholars when it comes to saving themselves. He grew fat in jail, about 40 pounds worth, the charge of mass murder obviously agreeing with him. Three hots and a cot, a nice law library and a sympathetic government-paid lawyer for company, all that was missing was a fireplace. For the trial, he was fitted with a free suit and bookish glasses. He went on the witness stand and lied like a wise guy know-it-all. The conceit of the ...

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